
Thursday, March 04, 2004


Revision is rarely a pleasant affair, and so I expected as much for strategy. I've been pleasantly surprised so far; even a cursory re-read of the notes has allowed me to discuss just now with some authority the pricing and alliance strategy of one Cambridge Display Technologies, as well as their resources, with Nathan. Of course he didn't know that I was fresh with the immediate afterglow that comes from cramming, but that's just another trick you pick up on the MBA.

I'm over not getting to present the strategy case we wrote the other day. In pretty much everything we're doing, I'm managing to fit some strategy in somewhere, (even operations!) and I take this as a sign that the course was very good, as were the lecturers. In fact I'd say they were the most passionate and energetic of the lot, with plenty of time for us outside class and that certainly stays with you. I'm regretting not popping along to the end-of-strategy drinks with the lecturers.

I can't imagine next terms courses being quite the same, apart from maybe advanced strategy, which I'm taking along with two high-tech and a venture capital course.


Tuesday, March 02, 2004


I've just found out others kinds feel the same way about the strategy presentation as I do. I think it's great getting us to write a case, but getting only a couple of people per stream to present on the basis of their work being the best, sucks. It's supremely demotivating. By all means, pick a bunch of people for balance, but not on quality. You don't want to tell a bunch of driven MBAs their work just isn't up to scratch. Of course we can take it (and I'll shout down anyone who says we can't), but for God's sake, you can't just throw a serious competition into such a collaborative environment.

I've probably got more to say on the matter, but I'll leave it here for now. I just need to go home and eat something.

And that's the other thing...I'm getting pretty damn bored with cycling everywhere. It makes you cold and tired and there are only so many times you can marvel at Kings College chapel on the way home.

Bad day. Started off good (cool visit to Isle of Ely Brewery in the morning), but have only been stewing in my juices since our final strategy session.



I couldn't believe not being asked to present my strategy case today. The result of many hours work writing a case study on the Microsoft-Disney alliance, we analysed the unanalyzable; we developed frameworks where none existed. But to no avail.

Well, I think my public might like it, so here it is, in powerpoint. Remember, it was supposed to be an oral presentation, so some of the slide may not make immediate sense. And as for the case study itself, here it is in Word.

It's long, but interesting and done in the style of a Harvard case, i.e. it starts with a "it was a cold, blustery, February morning...". The spoiler: Disney shouldn't go with Microsoft, but since they have, Apple better bet off their backsides. And don't count out Sony! (but forget about RealNetworks)


Sunday, February 29, 2004


Some news just in - BlogRolling.com has just been acquired by a much larger company called Tucows, of downloadable, rated software fame.

This is a interesting, since, as you may well know, I am the developer of BlogLinker.com, a very similar service to blogrolling.com.

Am I expecting a call anytime soon? Not really - my site has far fewer members than blogrolling. However, I do believe my service provides a touch more value to the consumer, with its built in reciprocal linking. And I have some developments in the pipeline that will really make my users happy.

Anyway, it's nice to see things moving on the IPO (google) and trade sale (blogrolling) front for web companies.


MBA Olympics...the final result! 

Yesterday was one of those days I don't think I'll forget for a while.

The Oxford boys and girls are a decent bunch, even if there are a lot of them (quality over quantity, remember!). The long and the short of the day is that Oxford won ALL of the daytime events, while, you guessed it, Cambridge won ALL of the evening events. That's right Cambridge won the bar olympics hands down; darts, table football, pool and the drinking contest (what contest!).

I won't forget the roars of delight on our first win of the day (darts) or the deafening cheers of 50+ Cambridge MBAs on winning the drinking contest (the 'boat race').

As I explained to my new friends from the other place:
"We won at everything that will actually help us to get jobs and make friends. You guys won at stuff you'll do on Sunday mornings." They conceded moral defeat.

Oh, and it was confirmed by a lovely young Oxford lady - we are indeed better looking, cooler and a lot more charming than the Oxford kids.

Vistory is sweet.


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