
Thursday, August 26, 2004

A Sacred Moment 

So tonight is the last MBA 2003 pub night. The Master of the Crawl, Ethan, has returned from vacationing in the US for this one last sacred purpose (among other things).

And the last Pub was pronounced: it is to be The Pickerel Inn, the old Magdalene favourite.

The list of pubs for the whole year was revealed to all. Some were good, some really bad, all worthwhile. My favourites include The Boathouse, The Fort St George, The Granta & The Waterside.

They were (alphabetically):

Pubs visited by MBA 2003:
All Bar One
The Anchor
B Bar
Bar Ha Ha
The Baron of Beef
The Boathouse
The Bun Shop
The Cambridge Arms
The Castle Inn
Champion of the Thames
The Cow
The Cricketers
The Eagle
The Elm Tree
The Fort St George
The Free Press
The Granta
The Hat and Feathers
The Kingston Arms
The Lamb and Flag
The Live and Let Live
The Locomotive
The Maypole
The Mitre
The Panton Arms
The Pickerel
The Rat and Parrot
The Red Bull
The Salisbury Arms
The Slug and Lettuce
The Spread Eagle
The St. Rategund
The Waterside
The Zebra


Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Exam vs Assignment 

We received the last of our grades back yesterday, with plenty of surprises for most I'd say.

If your thinking about a business school, then I recommend you look into the assessment technique - and steer clear of those that emphasise exams. They are pointless, I don't care how much you argue the merits of forcing people to sit down and cram and then sweat it out for a few hours in a big room.

I am so glad the Judge has a practical attitude to exams - we have about four in total - compared to other schools I could mention (who are still revising I believe!). Give me a break; those who would argue for exams: go read a book or two on learning psychology. Exams lose on all fronts, but most of all, in terms of remembering what you have learnt.

You see the great thing about getting a pack of assignments written a while ago, each with a grade-sheet attached is that in 5 minutes I can re-read any of them and be able to discuss with most the merits of stakeholder theory or various approaches to eBusiness planning, and that you can't do I'm afraid with an exam you took months ago.

Assignments give room for original investigation, properly reading around a subject and thoughtful articulation. Exams test how quickly you much stamina you have in your writing arm. I know which is more useful in the real world and I'm glad I chose the MBA that agrees.



I've just completed the SRI VALS test and in true Californian form, want to announce to the world the latest take on 'Who I (Really) Am':

Apparently I am primarily an Innovator and secondarily an experiencer.

Well, that was a welcome distraction from my Individual Project. Back to Innovating!


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