
Thursday, June 23, 2005

What a Ball 

The Magdalene College May Ball. Words that fill the studnets of this fine city with such anticipation. One of the most traditional and glamorous of the main Balls, it is the last to insist on white-tie for gentlemen. If you want the full low-down on the night, just go to the May Ball site.

I attended with a couple of MBAs: Alasdair, the May Ball Wizard, Stanislave, the Marketing Wizard and his charming wife Irina, the...er...Wifely Wizard. While there was no theme, you could say that in all it was one of the classiest nights of the Cambridge calendar and well worth the sizeable sum I paid for tickets.

The arrangements were surprisingly fiddly: paying for and picking up tickets, geting fitted and picking up the white-tie suit etc etc, and to be honest, the May Ball is not really aimed at working folk. Especially since I had to pretty much block out the whole of the next day to recover.

Highlights were The Thrills, who played 'Big Sur', among others, the ceilidh and I have to say, generally, the people: familiar faces in such a different light and new faces which is always nice.

And as I emerged from Magdalene at 6 in the morning, slightly worse for wear, none other than my boss swishes past on his morning jog as we exhange pleasantries. You couldn't make this stuff up.


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