
Sunday, February 29, 2004

MBA Olympics...the final result! 

Yesterday was one of those days I don't think I'll forget for a while.

The Oxford boys and girls are a decent bunch, even if there are a lot of them (quality over quantity, remember!). The long and the short of the day is that Oxford won ALL of the daytime events, while, you guessed it, Cambridge won ALL of the evening events. That's right Cambridge won the bar olympics hands down; darts, table football, pool and the drinking contest (what contest!).

I won't forget the roars of delight on our first win of the day (darts) or the deafening cheers of 50+ Cambridge MBAs on winning the drinking contest (the 'boat race').

As I explained to my new friends from the other place:
"We won at everything that will actually help us to get jobs and make friends. You guys won at stuff you'll do on Sunday mornings." They conceded moral defeat.

Oh, and it was confirmed by a lovely young Oxford lady - we are indeed better looking, cooler and a lot more charming than the Oxford kids.

Vistory is sweet.

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