
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

That '50s Show 

Kings hosted the black tie dinner for the 50K entrepreneurs competition on the 16th. I went along, with 3 entries at stake, and not a hope of winning any of them.

Worse, I completely forgot to invite Nathan along, even though he was my wing man on one of the entries. I felt really bad about that, but then tucked into my melon starter.

Amazingly, I won...nothing. I'm getting surprisingly used to losing on this MBA. I've lost every squash match (2), every football match (10) and every entrepreneurial competition (1) I have taken part in.

Tim got through to the next round, teamed up with Jeremy. Shu also got through. I nearly chocked as his team's new CEO walked up to accept the prize; Shu had asked me to be his CEO about two weeks earlier and I had politely declined. Nilimah got through; I had started her off by photocopying some fluff about writing business plans. Seems it worked. Greg got through, even though I had spent the best part of ten minutes explaining to him why his idea wouldn't work.

Anyone of a cynical dispossition might call me a loser.

Seperately, just as I was starting to develop a cynical dispossition, my team won the WHO knowledge management project, which was being contested internally by another MBA team. Hardly the Oscars, but at least it's ended my losing streak.

Bring on the Table Tennis!

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