
Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Ma(g)d Scottish Dancing 

Last Friday was the highlight of the season - The Magdalene Ceilidh (mad Scottish dance). Dinner with Sarah, Erik, Valerie and Jorge, then joined another 20 MBAs for the dance, largely because I had told them nobody knew the steps. I wasn't far wrong.

I had given Erik, Val and Jorge a super hard time earlier...

Me, glasses lowered, social diary opened "So, Erik, I see you put your name down for the Magdalene formal?"
Erik, excited "Oh yes!"
Me "There are lots of names down. You do know that?"
Erik, worried "Oh, yes"
Me "You do really want to go, don't you?"
Erik "Oh yes, yes!"
Me "Hmmm......"

(appropriate dramatic pause)

Me, smiling paternally "Okay, you can come"
Erik "Oh YES! YES! YES!"

And so it went, with all the other dinner guests. For one brief moment, I held their very happiness in my hands, and I was utterly smitten with the power. Please, don't ever make me president, not matter how much you want to.

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