
Friday, January 09, 2004

Exams Over 

A vacuous gaze and a limp grin.

Such was the look on the faces of a bruised, but proud set of MBAs as they emptied the exam hall this afternoon. They had been given Cambridge's worst - and had survived. Until the next time that is, when it's set to happen all over again.

The 2003 MBAs had just completed their Organisational Behaviour exam, a three hour 'bruiser' that would leave other students scratching their heads. But not so the Judge! This was just another day on their 'tour of duty', for just two days before they had faced-down a three hour accounting and finance exam which included topics that would have made the LBS boys and girls go rather faint!

"It was a bruiser," glared one fellow, upon stumbling out of the hall "but I'm glad it's over, and look, the sun's just come out! How God smiles upon us this day. Time to party!"

Party indeed. With a wry smile and a cheeky glint, those Cambridge MBAs surely know something the rest of us don't!

(By our Cambridge Correspondent)

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