
Saturday, November 22, 2003

As Disruptive As It Gets 

Being a little slow off the blocks, I only recently heard about Skype in last Wednesday's Financial Times.

Skype allows you to make free telephone calls internationally, of better quality than regular telephones, using a P2P type architecture like Kazaa. In fact, it was developed by the same people. [Note: I strongly recommend Kazaa Lite, as regular Kazaa has spyware and adware]

All you need is an internet connection and for the receiver of the call to also have Skype and you're set. This is amazing stuff. If things play out as planned, in 3 years we won't even be using regular telephones anymore. I wouldn't want to be working for an oversized telco when that happens.

Imagine; free calls to ANYWHERE in the world! Not cheap, but FREE. The developers will eventually make their money from voicemail and other add-on services, keeping the telephone calls free.

I urge you to download now - it took me about 60 seconds to download and install (3 MB file). Also, there is no sypware or adware.

It's good to talk ;)

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