
Wednesday, October 15, 2003

The 'Wall' 

How early does one hit the wall on an MBA?

Surely not this early. I was supremely demotivated today. Must have been something to do with the full day of maagement analysis today.

Honestly, I just don't see the need fro this to be a core course. Okay, great, it makes the Judge look better with a solid quant course upfront, but in terms of what I want out of an MBA, this certainly ain't it.

And to prove the point, at the end of 6 hrs of quant, it turned out the subject of our case study did the opposite of what was recommended!! Why? because people are not machines and the course of action chosen involved the possibility of great fame and kudos that the optimised choice did not offer. I couldn't figure out the optimal choice, but I was the first to figure out the human choice. I think that says something about all this number crunching; someone still has to show me the value of it all.

Oh dear, I am having a bad day aren't I?

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