
Thursday, October 16, 2003

The Class Clown 

Something very interesting has happened.

Yesterday, someone sent an email (via hotmail) to the whole MBA class calling himself the 'Class Clown'. The text of the email is as follows...


To all current MBAs

I am your class clown! I am in the class, but prefer to be anonymous. Why?
Well, so I can make some comments about the class, without retribution!

I hope to bring some life to us all, by adding some humour to the class. You
will get the occasional joke, but also the occasional constructive

If you want to un-subscribe, click here

I have a few comments I want to make at this stage:

1. Please arrive at class on time!
2. if you arrive more than 20 mins late, you should probably skip class.
3. Turn your phones off. Don't leave class to answer them... and then come
back in!
It is really disruptive for the rest of us!!!!!
This may be a cultural issue, but either may its just plain rude.

Remember - MARKSTRAT is just a game!

Yours truly,
Class clown

Find a cheaper internet access deal - choose one to suit you.

Well, well. This should prove interesting. The class is intrigued; who could it be? We each have our suspicions...

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