
Sunday, October 26, 2003

Been Going 19 Hours Back-to-Back 

Yes, I was delirious yesterday from a day far too packed for any self-respecting human being, thus producing this remix of Paul Hardcastle's classic from the 80's. Note: you probably won't get it, if you haven't heard the song. Go download now!

In 2003 Cambridge seemed like just another MBA,
but it wasn't.
It was different in many ways, and so were those that did the studying.
In other business schools the average hours per day of the combat student was 12...
In Cambridge it was 19.
In inininininin Cambridge it was 19.

(TV announcer's voice)
The shooting and fighting of the past two weeks continued today
25 miles North of London
I really wasn't sure what was going on (Vet's Voice)

Nininini Nineteen, 19, Ni-nineteen 19

In Cambridge the combat student typically served a twelve month tour of duty but
was exposed to hostile fire almost everyday
Ninininininininininin 19 nininininninin 19

An average day on the Cambridge MBA

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