
Thursday, September 25, 2003

Baby, You're a *Star*! 

We had our first Management Analysis class today. Being mostly maths (probability, stats...) it gave some of the class a real chance to shine. Made 'em feel like stars - made the rest feel like we'd hit a train!

It wasn't that bad. Not only was the math managable (with a 'little' pre-reading), but the class encouraged a lot of collaboration on problems (as the Judge does throughout the course).

We're all waiting for the weekend. So far this week has been *intense*. But things are coming together and the List of Stuff To Do is rapidly getting shorter.

Folks are still suprisingly open to different people and groups. I would have thought that they'd have settled down by now, but I think, with the knowledge that we will all have to work with many random others at some point makes social complacence an unwise option. This social flexibility is A Good Thing, but only as long as you take advantage of it.

Off for dinner at Magdalene now, this time with yet another guest. Perhaps we'll be discussing Descartes over wine, who knows?! (sorry, in-joke).

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